You Have to Steal It (Part 1)

USMC Lt. Col. (Ret) Joe Shusko Instructing Camden NJ PD RGI Mentoring Course 2015 "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." ~Pablo Picasso Some things in life cannot be given, they can only be "stolen." You may be thinking, "What the heck is Gray talking about now?!" Well, let me explain. I'm not talking about ripping someone off, plagiarizing or pirating the next Star Wars movie before it's released. I'm talking about learning, applying and succeeding at something. I have heard this "stealing" idea from many of my martial arts instructors regarding training. However the same idea pertains to other things in life as well. My interpretation of this "stealing it" concept can mean many things. I wanted to explore a few ideas. First, you have to want it. It seems that we are used to being spoon fed now a days. As a result many people often give up too soon, feeling that the path should be easier an...