Here's the Thing w/Difficult Conversations...

There are many types of difficult conversations... The ones I'm talking about today are those who we have with people we know and want to be able to trust. You see, trust, in the most basic sense, is placing confidence in another person, and in return, them placing confidence in you. In BrenĂ© Brown’s book, Daring Greatly, she shares a story of her young daughter losing trust in her best friends and her subsequent decision to never trust anyone again. BrenĂ© uses the analogy of a marble jar to help her daughter understand how trust is built. Here's how it works: Every person has a metaphoric 'Trust Jar' that marbles are added to or taken away from. Here are some ways to add to the jar: ~ Spend quality time with that person ~ When they do good things for you (w/the right intent) ~ When they open up and share stories about themselves. ~ When they are honest with you. The more stories, experiences and deeds they share, and the deeper they are, the more marbles ...