Have You Given This Some Thought!?

Freedom & Independence We felt so strongly about individual, liberty, freedom and independence that we founded an entire country around it. Yes, yes, of course things looked a bit different back then. Our idea of what that meant was different. The world was different. However, don’t get lost in that sauce, you can’t look at history though modern eyes, you have to see it for what it was THEN, not now. If you do, you’ll see how significant and forward thinking this country was for ‘modern’ societies at the time. Have You Given This a Thought?! We just celebrated our nation’s freedom & independence… What about YOURS?! Are you celebrating your own freedom and independence in your personal Life?! Do you feel free and independent to Live Life on Your Own Terms? And like our forefathers, are you prepared to protect and defend that freedom and independence? What are you going to do when it’s threatened and under attack?! Now, I’m not talking about a war (foreign or civil) or our ...