Is Your Training Is Based On Superstition?

Is your training based on superstition?! A great question that can get a little tricky in a few ways... #1 - If you train for the wrong things, you won't be prepared for when the 'real deal' happens. (Leaving you vulnerable). #2 - If you constantly immerse yourself in and around people and ideas that are a bit off, you can begin to 'drink the kool-aide' and begin believing it yourself. You can even begin creating that skewed world around you! #3 - There is only so much available time to train... If you want to be able to protect yourself and others better. Prioritizing your training and focusing on the right things is not just a suggestion... it's ESSENTIAL! "Reality" Based Training... If you train in Defensive Tactics, Martial Arts or Tactical Firearms, you hear this term "Reality Based Training" all the time. Which for many means... ~ Focus on low probability, worst case scenarios. ~ Go Ha...