Tips He May Attack You

On my last blog post , we talked about how Foundational Grounding affects your ability to maintain Situational Awareness. Today I wanted to get into a bit more 'boots on the ground' and share a few tips on what I call: PCI's or Pre-Contact Indicators. Basically, warning signs that the person you're engaging with may become violent. You see, when a person feel stress, it effects the mind, emotions and physical state. The body goes under certain physiological changes and those changes come out in behavior. Here are some red flags or PCI's that research, history and experience have indicated as a precursor to someone lashing out with violence. This list is NOT a complete list, as a matter of fact, if you see something that's not on it, please go on PeaceWalker Project Facebook Page and share it: Here we go... Head & Face: Eyes bulge 1000 mile stare ...