You Can't Just Walk Into MY House

I hope this finds you well?! I'm weathering the storm alright so far and I hope you are too?! Things continue to move forward, but... Rather than talking about the obvious, (I'm sure that will be the topic of many other correspondence), I thought I'd take a rest from that for a minute to share another story... If you remember, just before all of this erupted, I was going to tell you a story about one of our PeaceWalker Members who is a process server. I figure I'll tell you the story now as a little break from all of our current affairs we are seeing, reading and listening to. So... Wednesday morning I get a crazy email explaining a situation that nobody hopes to be in... You Can't Just Walk Into MY House... HERE'S THE STORY: So, I wanted to tell you a little about my day. Started off as a usual Wednesday run which I planned on getting through quickly then heading to the gym. . About halfway through ...