The Difference an Hour Can Make

It’s amazing… Sometimes disturbingly so, how much difference an hour can make. As you know here in Michigan we just “Sprang Ahead” with daylight savings, setting our clocks an hour ahead. It’ll be a minute, I’m still adjusting… =) The Passage of Time… The interesting thing about time is that it keeps passing by regardless what you are doing. You can use your time wisely or you can squander it away. You can spend your time constantly worrying about what the future holds, or you can learn the skills to be confident in the present moment. Invest your time in things you do have control over, so you can better navigate yourself and the world around you. Unfortunately, many people stress out and worry about so many things they simply have no control over. Living in a constant state of fear is no way to live! Matter of fact, living that way increases your likelihood of health problems, relationship issues and even your ability to protect yourself! A healthy dose of fear can ...