Here's the Real 'Secret' of Sparring... It's NOT What You Think!

Last week's email struck a nerve w/some of you out there. No death threats mind you, but some folks certainly didn't totally pick up what I was laying down so to speak. What was it that was sooooo saucy you ask?! Some out there mis-interpreted this statement, "Take sparring for instance. The 'Go Hard or Go Home' method will just get you f*d up and wrecked. ESPECIALLY if you are over 40." I get the impression that some people out there may have thought that I meant that sparring wasn't 'necessary', was' ineffective', or shouldn't be done in regards to training how to protect yourself. NO! That's NOT what I meant at all. That statement is simply bringing your attention to the fact that many people and approaches put too much emphasis on the WRONG type of sparring. Most go to hard and take themselves too seriously. As Ryron Gracie says, "Keep it playful." Most of the real pro's that I've worked with over the ye...