The Dawn of a New Year

Here we are at the end of yet another year! My, my they are going really fast now-a-days! It surely doesn't feel like it should almost be 2017! Shouldn't we be flying around w/jet packs, beaming ourselves on Mars, basking in the afterglow of world peace and prosperity for all by now?! Not so much... Some of my 2016 goals worked out about that well too! I don't know about you, but I get excited to look at my New Years goals from the previous year. I compare what I set out to do with what actually transpired. If you remember from my blog last year, I had three main goals which were: #1 - Finish my Book #2 - On-Line PeaceWalker Classroom Mgt Course for Teachers. #3 - (Monthly) PeaceWalker Webinar Series Well, so how did I do? Um... Oh... *blush* I didn't actually accomplish anything on that list. I know, I should be fired! (Good thing I'm self employed!) So what the heck happened? What DID I do then? No more excuses Gray! Here's the rundown: ...