Samurai Express

I had some running around to do today. Appointments and stuff. You know, the usual.

As I drove around I saw a fair amount of downed limbs and trees. Some of the stop lights weren’t working either.

As the day progressed I was getting hangry and needed to find some place to eat. I stopped by several places to find that the electricity was out in certain parts of the city.

After going to the 4th restaurant or so, (no lie, most were either closed due to electricity being out or they just weren’t opened today…) I was getting frustrated.

Then I remembered a restaurant that was near my house. One that I passed by a thousand times, but never stopped in…

Samurai Express Steakhouse & Sushi

It looked good at first, but as I drive up to park my car, I see that the place doesn’t look that well taken care of. I walk in anyway and the place is empty except for five guys looking like their gang bangers looking me up and down as I enter.

I nod and say, “How’s it going…”

They return my greeting.

I’m sure they’re not bangers, just local urbanites out for lunch…

I step up to the plexiglass covered counter to speak to the small Asian gal taking orders.

I ask her a few times to speak louder for me. She had a soft voice and I just couldn’t hear her through the plexi.

I don’t see any menu aside from the lighted order board above the gals head.

“Do you have a lunch menu?” I ask.

“No, it’s all the same menu.” she says pointing at the menu above her head.

I don’t see sushi. (Which is why I went there in the first place).

Sorry, we don’t serve sushi.

“Hmmm…” I say to myself. Locking down my hanger-monster, before he rears his ugly head.

“Ok, then, how about the chicken stir fry?,” I ask.

“Ok,” she says. “It’ll take about 35 minutes. Is that alright?”

“What?!” says my hanger-monster. “That’s not cool. Me hungry NOW!”

Once again I quell the beast before he says something I’ll regret later.

“Ahhh, no,” I say politely. “I’m good. Have a nice day.” I manage to say though my frustration.

(That’s NOT how you feel, says the hanger-monster just beneath the surface of my smile… Me thinks you should share your feelings. Give her a piece of your mind… My monster says in his Cookie Monster accent.)

Much to my Hanger-Monster’s chagrin, I ended up eating an organic burrito I picked up from Harvest Health. It wasn’t as good as sushi, but it was good enough and did the trick to put the hanger-monster at easy… For now! =)


#1 = Remember the HALT Model?

HALT stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired – four "risk states" that affect your mood and behavior, and can seriously damage your performance and your ability to act rationally.

Learning to recognize these states, and understanding their impact, allows you to take action to prevent their negative effects.

Don’t let your emotions pull you from your Baseline, causing you to become part of the problem.

#2 -Don’t always judge a book by its cover…

Samurai Express - Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi, doesn’t have sushi and it’s service is far from “Express!”

The Little Things…

Often times this PeaceWalker Life isn’t being an action hero, most of the time it’s about the little, everyday life stuff. Like dealing with your own hanger-monster, co-workers, upset spouses, kids, co-worker, students and other of life’s situations.

Learning how to better deal with conflict around you begins with learning how to better deal with the conflicts around you…

If you want to change your Game and change your Life when it comes to handling conflict (from disagreements to full on physical assaults), this program is for you!

If you would like to get more resources to protect yourself and live a safer, healthier, happier, more fulfilled life, then join our private community, PeaceWalker Connect. It’s a free private community that will give you access to the method and means to Live, Protect and Inspire.

Here’s the Link:

Ok, I’m out!

Have a great day and…

Keep Going,



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