Cryptic vs. Clarity

When it comes to training to protect, less cryptic and more clarity is not only a plus it's essential! That's why I like Krav Maga & the PeaceWalker Approach to Conflict.

Now I know some of you who train w/me are saying...

"Sometimes you're cryptic as f*ck Craig."

...and you would be right! But that's because when it comes to APPLICATION of those basic principles things get real!

...And SIMPLE doesn't mean EASY!


It depends on what course/class you come to and what questions you ask. If you take one of our Basic Defensive Tactics or PeaceWalker Conflict Management Courses it is a 1-2-3 approach.

The basic fundamentals are not that cryptic they are elegant! It's in their application where things get a bit confusing for the novice. The concepts can be so simple that people think they are easy and believe they 'got it'. Then when they try applying that Basic Principle and fail. After that people typically want the next thing to solve their problem. They believe the next technique will prove to be the solution (and sometimes it will), however what they rarely realize is that it is usually in their application where the problem typically resides. Most of the time it is because people can't do the basic principles well.

You have to learn the basic... 

How it works. How it doesn't. 
When it works. When it doesn't. 
When to use it. When not to. 
When to modify it or transition into another principle. 
When to try harder. When to abandon it all together. 
When to know that even attempting to apply it would be useless or not appropriate for the circumstance.

E=mc2 (squared) is a simple equation that holds the keys to understanding many complex things. 

If you want to apply simple principles to complex situations (Real Life) it's going to take some practice! You have to learn what the basic principles are and how to apply to a variety of dynamic situations under stress.

Here are some examples of basic principles:

Conflict Management:

Learning to set clear and reasonable boundaries.
Developing options when those boundaries are not respected.

Defensive Tactics:

3 C's of Empty Hand Defense vs. Someone Using a Weapon  -

CLEAR your body from the threat of attack.
CONTROL the weapon from further attack.
CONQUER the threat.

Tactical Leadership:

ATTITUDE: Baseline - Boundaries - Set the Pace
AWARENESS - You - Subject - Environment
ACTION - Right Thing at the Right Time for the Right Reason

Now take those principles, turn them into strategies, tactics and techniques and begin applying them in real time to human situations...

That's where it starts getting complicated, chaotic and cryptic!

Want a Good Cake?!

Award winning cakes are made with the same simple ingredients as the ones that don't taste good!

It boils down to the quality of the ingredients, the recipe and the chef!

If You Want Better Answers...
...Ask better questions!

... and Keep Going!

All the best,

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