The Difference an Hour Can Make


It’s amazing… Sometimes disturbingly so, how much difference an hour can make.

As you know here in Michigan we just “Sprang Ahead” with daylight savings, setting our clocks an hour ahead.

It’ll be a minute, I’m still adjusting… =)

The Passage of Time…

The interesting thing about time is that it keeps passing by regardless what you are doing.

You can use your time wisely or you can squander it away.

You can spend your time constantly worrying about what the future holds, or you can learn the skills to be confident in the present moment.

Invest your time in things you do have control over, so you can better navigate yourself and the world around you.

Unfortunately, many people stress out and worry about so many things they simply have no control over.

Living in a constant state of fear is no way to live! Matter of fact, living that way increases your likelihood of health problems, relationship issues and even your ability to protect yourself!

A healthy dose of fear can be good to keep you vigilant and safe in times that constitute it. However being in a state of constant fear is unhealthy.

It’s Time to Worry Less…

We all worry at least a little bit.

Worry about a test grade, a presentation at work, or if you remembered to turn off the toaster or lock the door. It happens.

Worry is a natural part of life, especially for us protectors. It is hardwired into our being. However, for some, a concern can be more than passing thoughts throughout the day. It can seem to take over aspects of life.


Who Worries?


Research has shown that the root can be found in both nature and nurture. There is a genetic component to worrying, so for some, it cannot be avoided as easily.

However, there are individuals that thanks to nurturing, are more likely to be worriers. Children who are the product of divorced homes or who took on a role reversal with their parents are more likely to worry throughout their life. On the flip side of this, children who have overprotective parents are also more likely to suffer. The moral is that anyone can be a worrier in today’s world, but many are affected by their home life during their formative years.


Why Do We Worry?

People can worry over many things, but what is the driving force behind obsessive worriers?

Those working in the mental health realm have been able to pinpoint two main reasons that worriers tend to agree on:

1) Worrying about preventing things from happening and suffering to keep things from getting to that point (when the bad things can happen).

2) Worriers sometimes agonize over something that may not even be possible of happening.


Are We Worrying Too Much?

How do you know if you are worrying too much?

Well, it is quite simple, really.

It’s too much if your worry begin to take over your life and starts becoming obsessive and unhealthy.

Things like:

Your relationships are suffering, have you given up hobbies due to anxiety, or are you struggling to stay afloat at work.

Second, is your worry manifesting into physical symptoms like:

~ Fatigue,

~ Insomnia,

~ Migraines,

~ Stomach aches, and

~ Heartburn

These are all physical symptoms of what is occurring in your mind.

Is your worry causing you to develop other mental illnesses?

Depression can often be caused by generalized anxiety disorder; anxiety can be caused by obsessive worrying. If you can answer yes to any of these, then you are worrying too much.


If you can relate to any of these thoughts or symptoms, then you should consider reaching out to a health care provider so you can reduce your worry.

If you want to develop your ability to protect yourself and those you love, in a balanced, healthy way then here’s your invitation to join me on my free home study course:

Keep Going,



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