

It’s been a heck of a week!

Good, Bad & some Ugly…

Much of it I had little control over happening… However, I was the one who was in charge of dealing with things.

I know you have a lot of life shennanaga’s going on in your own world, so I won’t share ALL of the incidents (and there were an abnormal amount of them this week!).

Here’s just one of the highlights":

I found out I got my identity hacked (again)…

This dude out of California opened an AT & T account under my name and apparently hasn’t been paying his bill…

I got a letter from a collection agency and I filed a fraud incident claim and trying to ensure this (and quite possibly others) is removed from my credit history (if they are on there).

This has opened up some deeper actions of going through process to sure I don’t have more fraudulent activity!

I’m taking greater measures to protect my data and get alerted on any sketchy activity. (You might want to check on that for yourself and family too!)

This one’s going to be an ongoing ‘project’ for a bit, until I can get things under control.

Oh the joy!

And this is only ONE of the incidents that’s happened this week!

Facing Challenges…

We PeaceWalkers’ have a saying,

Conflict is an Opportunity

A while back I saw a great video by former Navy SEAL Commander, Jocko Willink called…


(You can find it on Youtube)

It goes something like this…

“How do I deal with setbacks, failures, delays, defeats, or other disasters? I actually have a fairly simple way" of dealing with these situations, summed up in one word…


This is something that one of my direct subordinates, one of the guys who worked for me, a guy who became one of my best friends pointed out.

He would pull me aside with some major problem or issue that was going on, and he’d say, “Boss, we’ve got this thing, this situation, and it’s going terribly wrong.”

I would look at him and say, “Good.”

And finally, one day, he was telling me about something that was going off the rails, and as soon as he finished explaining it to me, he said, “I already know what you’re going to say.”

And I asked, “What am I going to say?”

And he said, “You’re going to say: ‘Good.’ ”

He continued, “That’s what you always say. When Something is wrong or going bad, you just look at me and say, ‘Good.’ ”

And I said, “Well. I mean it. Because that is how I operate.”

So I explained to him that when things are going bad, there’s going to be some good that will come from it.

Oh, the mission got canceled? Good… We can focus on another one.

Didn’t get the new high-speed gear we wanted? Good… We can keep it simple.

Didn’t get promoted? Good… More time to get better.

Didn’t get funded? Good… We own more of the company.

Didn’t get the job you wanted? Good… Go out, gain more experience, and build a better resume.

Got injured? Good… Needed a break from training.

Got tapped out? Good… It’s better to tap out in training than tap out on the street.

Got beat? Good… We learned.

Unexpected problems? Good… We have to figure out a solutions

That’s it. When things are going bad: Don’t get all bummed out, don’t get started, don’t get frustrated. No. Just look at the issue and say: “Good.”

Now, I don’t mean to say something trite; I’m not trying to sound like Mr. Smiley Positive Guy.

That guy ignores the hard truth.

That guy thinks a positive attitude will solve problems.

It won’t. But neither will dwelling on the problem. No. Accept reality, but focus on the solution. Take that issue, take that setback, take that problem, and turn it into something good. Go forward. And, if you are part of a team, that attitude will spread throughout.

Finally: if you can say the word “good,” then guess what?

It means you’re still alive.

It means you’re still breathing.

And if you’re still breathing, that means you’ve still got some fight left in you.

So get up, dust off, reload, recalibrate, re-engage – and go out on the attack.”

-Jocko Willink

A Tattoo…

A few weeks back, I noticed one of the new students at the academy (a friend of mine who I hadn’t seen in a long time), had a shirt with “Good.” written on it. I asked him if that was referring to Jocko’s talk. He smiled and nodded…

Then I noticed the Good. tattoo on his arm too.

Now THAT’S where inspiration meets commitment!


You don’t have to get it tattooed on your body to live it (but I must say it is a sweet tat!).

It’s a Lifestyle

Like Jocko, Good. isn’t just solid advice or a technique, it’s a way of Life!

So is being a PeaceWalker.

If you want to develop your ability to protect yourself and those you love, in a balanced, healthy way then here’s your invitation to join me on my free home study course:

Keep Going,



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