Feeling Good!


You ever hear that Michael buble song, “Feeling Good”?

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Well, if you’re training on a regular basis, your training should do that for you too!

Now, that good feeling will take many forms…

Sometimes its all about testing yourself and embracing the suck… That feeling of accomplishment and confidence you get from running the gauntlet.

Other times, it’s a slower burn where you feel good because the training enriches you in a more balanced, sustained way.

That good feeling you get because you know you’re learning, growing and Keeping Going.

Also that good feeling because you are connecting with some great people and together you are sharing this journey.

It’s Not an Accident…

I don’t think it’s an accident that there are so many of these old ‘masters’ who are still kicking it and enjoying life out there. 

Doesn’t matter what discipline… as long as its good, sustainable, and balanced. I’ve met so many of them from all walks of life, men and women who not only enjoy their training, but have wisdom to share about living a clear, confident, joyful life.

How About You!?

Is your training helping you to protect yourself and those around you in a deeper, broader way than simply physical defense?

If it’s not, it should be…

The Path & the Process…

If you would like more skills in this pursuit of becoming a better Protector, now’s your chance to join me and others.

I created a new PeaceWalker Network for all of us to connect and help each other along the way.

Follow the link below to get access to free content and community.


Go out there and make it a great day and…

Keep Going,



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