Cracks in Your Foundation?!


Last night we had one of our weekly coaching calls for the PeaceWalker Evolution Course.

What a great call!

Rob and Jenn, a couple of the Level II - Momentum folks (people who graduated from Evolution last year and came back for the second Level.), were tasked to run the meeting as part of their training. I must say, they did a stand up job!

The topic of discussion was building an Unshakable Foundation.

WTH is that!?

It’s basically the way you live. Your habits. What you do in your day to day life.

How do you train your…

Body - Your physical health

Mind - What you’re filling your head with

Mouth - How you’re communicating

Heart - How you foster your relationships


Without a solid foundation it’s difficult to remain balanced.

When you are not balanced, it more difficult to stay calm, cool, and collected, (especially) under pressure.

As I often say, “You can’t hide crazy.”

(It eventually comes out!)


You don’t have to be in the PeaceWalker Evolution course to look at those areas in your own life. You owe it to yourself (and folks closest to you) to check in on yourself in those four areas (yes, there are more, but this will get you started!).

Where you at with them?!


What needs work!?

Dialing Things In…

Learning to protecting yourself, deal with conflict and lead a more powerful Life can be counter intuitive in many ways.

Rather than going at it alone, it’s better if you have a path to follow and people to help share the journey.

So, I invite you to…

Join us on our Free PeaceWalker Network.

It’s a place where you can more deeply connect to this community and get some unique training opportunities (online and Live) on how to protect yourself and those you care about.


Because, learning how to protect yourself (and others) is so much more than simply getting a gun or practicing some physical self defense.

You’ll need more than that to keep yourself (and those you care about) safe, healthy and happy in today’s day and age.

If your curious, then follow the link below to get access to our free content and community.

Keep Going,


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