Your Self Defense Trifecta?!


What’s Your Operating System?!

As you know I teach folks how to protect themselves and others. Here’s something that happens a lot. A misconception if you will.

We have to learn how to protect ourselves in a lot of different ways.

Here are just a few:

Physically - You know what most people think of as Self Defense.

Verbally - We’ve all been talking our whole lives, but most don’t know the structure to conflict communications and De-Escalation.

Mentally - Mindset. If you don’t have a good frame of mind nothing works.

Emotionally - When it comes to conflict we have to know how to stay cool, calm and collected.

Spiritually - We have to understand ethics to make better decisions and protect our hearts, lest turning into that which we are protecting ourselves from.

When It Comes to Tactics…

Even when it comes down to physical defensive tactics, you have to be a Swiss Army Knife!

You have to be well rounded.

Not just striking. Not just grappling. You have to train all of it including weapons, escaping, stun and run, incapacitations, restrain and control… The full Monte!

Heck, you need some medical and even legal defensive tactics too!

Unfortunately, I just don’t see most people training in this way.

Most do ONE THING. It could be karate, BJJ, MMA, knife / stick fighting, shooting (pistols, rifles, or shotgun… but rarely all three). You get the drift.

How About You?!

How’s YOUR training?

Is it well rounded or a one trick pony?!

When it comes to self defense, you’ll at least want these things that help you to do these things:

  • Your Health! Mind/Body/Spirit

  • Mindset

  • Awareness

  • Influence: Emphasizing verbal communication.

  • Escaping / Stun and run

  • Incapacitating: Which can include firearms & pepper spray

  • Restrain and control

I could go on, but that’s an idea.

If you want to develop your ability to protect yourself and those you love, in a balanced, healthy way then here’s your invitation to join me on my free home study course:

Keep Going,


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