8 Before It's Too Late


*This post's content originated from - http://beautycares.org/

Excessive charm, LYING to cover
up insecurity, needing to win over
your friends and family immediately,
OVER THE TOP gestures that
seem too much too soon,
BOMBARDING you with numerous
texts and emails in a short time,
behaving obsessively, insisting that
you get serious IMMEDIATELY

Responding IRRATIONALLY when
you interact with other people,
becoming ANGRY when you 
speak with the opposite sex, 
persistently ACCUSING you of flirting/
cheating, resenting your time with
friends and family or DEMANDING 
to know private details of your life.

TELLING how to wear your hair,
when to speak or what to think,
showing up UNINVITED at your home/school/job,
CHECKING your cell phone, emails, Facebook,
going through your belongings, following you, 
sexually coercing you or 
making you FEEL BAD about yourself.

INSISTING you only spend time
with him or her, making you
emotionally or psychologically

seeing your family or friends, or
from going to school or work

Making you feel GUILTY &
responsible for his or her
behavior, blaming the world
or you for his or her PROBLEMS
emotional manipulation, 
always saying 
“this is your FAULT.”

OVERREACTING to small problems, 
frequently losing control,
violent OUTBURSTS, having severe mood swings, 
drinking or partying excessively when upset, 
making THREATS, picking FIGHTS,
having a history of violent behavior 
and making you feel AFRAID

Calling you overweight, UGLY, STUPID or crazy, 
ridiculing your beliefs, ambitions or friends,
telling you he or she is the only 
one who really cares about you,
BRAINWASHING you to feel worthless.

Making you MISS work, school, an
interview, test or competition by
starting a fight, having a MELTDOWN
or getting sick, breaking up with you or 
HIDING your keys, wallet, text books or phone,
STEALING your belongings.

If your partner either threatens or
physically abuses you, which includes
pushing or shoving, there is no justification
and it will only get worse. Tell your
family and call the national domestic
abuse hotline immediately
FOR HELP: 1-800–799–SAFE


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