Do We Need Guns to Protect?

 Police on scene at the recent school shooting in Maryland

While I was down here in Florida, I heard of yet another school shooting  This one happened a couple days ago in Maryland. Unlike the recent shooting in Florida where there were mass causalities, this one was contained, minimizing the loss of life and injured.

There was an armed resource officer who intervened and shot the 17 year old gunman before more people got hurt or killed.

Now, you may be thinking that I am going to use this example as a reason to tout a pro-gun "solution" to our current increase in this type of violence...

But I'm not going to...

Yes, this time the situation was dealt with before it got worse, however was it only because of the officer having a firearm?

No, I don't think it was...

What happens if when during one of these situations, an innocent bystander (student or teacher?) was to get shot by the person trying to protect? How 'forgiving' would those parents, that community, our country be then?

Is this a risk we as a society willing to take on!?

Is there a choice!?

Who will be the first parent to sign the waiver stating that you will not hold the school, security officer or other volunteer liable if their kid gets hurt or killed by someone trying to help but missed and accidentally shot their child?

Who will be the first teacher to, as part of their employment recognize that they may get hurt or killed in the same way or may accidentally hurt or kill someone when dealing with a chaotic situation like an active assailant.

Who will they or their loved ones look to blame?

I know these are not nice things to think about but, we need to consider our options and the responsibilities that come along with them.

Is there another way to address these situations?

Is it really ONLY about the weapon? Both regarding prevention and defensive response?

THESE Types of Situations Require...

That the ETHIC drives the Tactic which drives the Technique.

And the ethic we are talking about is Protecting Life...

So, when it comes to being a protector... the tool is still one of the last things on our list.

A friend of mine named Colby Taylor has a saying I like...

"I'm always armed, sometimes I have a weapon."

It is reminiscent to the USMC's slogan:

"One Mind Any Weapon."

So Are Guns the Solution Then?!?

I'm not saying that having (more) armed personnel are the solution any more than I am saying that banning guns is.

Are you wondering WHAT am I saying then?!

For the sake of this conversation I wanted to point out that the Weapon (in this case a firearm) can help in certain situations if the person with that weapon has the right ethic, intent, skill and courage to use it properly.

...Just like it can be incredibly destructive in the hands of people who have ill intent...

...Even people with good intent but lack of skill or lapse in courage can be ineffective or end up making a situation worse in many ways including unnecessarily taking a life.

The Situation is More Sophisticated Than 'Just' Having or Not Having Guns...

Yes, bringing guns into the equation ups the ante on many levels, and it is something we need to consider... but we need to do so responsibly.

And remember, it's not the only issue that we have to consider regarding both protecting life and what's behind the violence on an individual and social level.

Will limiting or banning firearms reduce this type of violence?!


Will arming teachers and/or having armed guards at schools, churches and other public facilities help reduce the frequency of these types of occurrences or the body count of an event?!


Either way we approach the situation.... 

Let's not continue to vilify and demonize each other. There are differing perspectives and ways of approaching this heated situation.

PEOPLE will have to solve this...

WE will have to solve this...

So, we need to address it as humans, remembering that guns are tools and we have to consider how (or whether) use them or not...

And for the record, I don't know if  'solve' is the right way of thinking about this necessarily...

'Just' adding more guns to the mix (like arming teachers, or having CPL holders volunteer for security at you church...), isn't going solve the problem in its entirety, any more than simply taking firearms away will.

There will always be violence, I think it is more about managing it while not trying incite it as much as humanly possible).

Whatever tool (i.e. gun) is used it can be used ethically, skillfully and courageously...

...Or it can be used unethically, unskillfully and cowardly.

So, as we are trying to figure this problem out as a society...

As you are fighting for your rights as a U.S. citizen...

As you are voicing your opinion to our leaders on how you believe we can solve (or at least help with) this issue...

...What will YOU do as an Individual?!

How will you decide to protect yourself and others if called to task during a time that will undoubtedly be the most critical situation in your life?

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You got this,


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