What to Do When Nice Doesn't Work!

Oh my gosh-ah!

Can you believe that July is already here!?!

Me either (...or is it me neither?! I can't remember...)

We waited all winter for this and now it's upon us!

You know what I'm going to say next right?!

Lots going on!!

(See, I told you...)

Anyway... I'm going to get 'right to it.' So to speak!

What To Do When Nice Isn't Enough?!

So, you...

(1) Dial in your Baseline (Attitude, Awareness, Appropriate Action) to be part of the solution, not the problem. 
(2) Separate the persons Life Value from their behavior and beliefs.
(3) Avoid power struggles & decided whether or not to even engage.
(4) (Upon deciding to engage) You begin appropriately managing the situation by  drawing clear, most good, least harm boundaries.

...but  Nice, Clear and Appropriate Isn't Working!!!!

Now What?!

Do you have a plan?

If so, what is it?


Let Me Be Clear...

I'm not talking ONLY about defending yourself here...

Oh no!

That'd be too easy!

I'm asking you to consider this in your life!

What happens when one of your staff members keeps coming in late no matter how many times you told them nicely

What happens when you just spent a gazillion dollars on that marketing initiative but regardless, your business doesn't reach it's sales goals?

What happens when you ask your kid to behave, but they just won't?

What do you do when your significant other is annoying the sh*t out of you, you ask them nicely to stop... and they don't!

What do you do when you pull someone over for doing 13 over and they won't give you their licence?

What do you do when you ask your client for that big sale you've been working on all month, but nada! Nothing?!

What's next when you ask that obnoxious person to leave and they won't?

How do you handle that student who keeps acting up and disrupting class no matter what you seem to do?

What do you do when you're not getting your way and you've ran out of nice?

Taking It to the 'Next Level...'

Yes, one option is to go all Krav on their a$$...

And as good as that would feel, it's rarely the answer! =(

So, what am I talking about?

YOU have to take it to the 'Next Level.'

Meaning that it isn't so much about directly controlling the person or situation...

It's more about controlling YOU!

As Holocaust Survivor and Famous author of 'Man's Search for Meaning,' Viktor Frankl once said,

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

Now, don't take that as you have to lower your ethical standards, or even agree with what is happening...

No, no, no...

You don't, however, see it for what it is and change your strategy!

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

~Albert Einstein (allegedly)

4 Key Elements to Knowing What to Do When Nice Isn't Enough...

(1) Have CLARITY of what is important
(2) Have SKILLS in the area necessary to solve the problem
(3) Have CONFIDENCE in your abilities that you can adapt & still succeed 
(4) Have a Plan 'B' - a simple approach to what YOU will do if your 'Plan A' isn't working!

Skill in Conflict

If you are looking for greater skill when dealing with the full spectrum of human conflict (Ethical, Emotional, Verbal, Physical, Social) you may consider checking out the up coming PeaceWalker Course that will be opening for registration later this summer.

It will give you the tools to know what to do when nice isn't working!

More on that as we move through the summer...

*GET CONNECTED! Sign up for my [Almost] Daily email, where I'll send you Exclusive Tips & Tactics on Living a Protector's Life! www.peacewalkersubscribe.com 

Forward it to your friends too!!

In the meantime...

Enjoy your day and I'll catch up with you soon!

You got this,


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