Aware-a-noid & the Perfect Weapon

Great Hearing From You!

The stories from my run struck a chord with folks...

Many of you wrote to me...

And for every one person who writes, I know there are many others who were intending to but didn't quite get around to it... No worries, I still feel you!

Words of Advice on Defense...

Thank you for all of the comments, suggestions and well wishes regarding that running incident the other week.


I'll admit, it's a bit ironic that I am getting all of this advice about self protection, sense I make a living at teaching personal defense & conflict management and all! =)

I think it's a good thing that you all care enough to take the time to write to me! IT'S WHAT THIS WHOLE PeacWalker Community IS ALL ABOUT! We have each other's back!!

I was looking for some engagement on this and that's exactly what you brought!

Choosing the Perfect Weapon...

I got advice regarding weaponry ranging from:

Better start carrying your pistol again...

Pepper spray...

Bear spray...

Personal Alarm...


Get a dog...

New workout suggestions ranging from:

Change your jogging route...

Buy a bike and go to a local riding trail...

Get a gym membership...

Go swimming at the Y...

Planet Fitness is cheap and has treadmills...

Puppies, Pistols & Pepper Spray

I used to carry when I ran... That had it's own set of challenges, so I switched to pepper spray...

For years I carried it...

In time out of convenience, it went from my hand, to my pocket...

One day, I was quickly approached by a big dog not on a leash...

It happened so fast, I totally forgot about the pepper spray in my pocket, and didn't even think to draw it until after.

Luckily puppy was just a very excited 85lbs lab \ pit mix that ended up just like being pet and scratched behind the ears...

Time went on... a lot of time...

One day I forgot to bring my spray altogether...

Then I did it again...

I realized I lost the canister and needed to buy another...

The details get fuzzy after that...

But, nothing happened when I ran, so I put off getting another.

You see, in that respect, I'm like pretty much everyone else...

Guilty as charged!

A Weapon is a Tool...

But, here's the difference...

Weapons can be very powerful TOOLS!

Firearms, knives, clubs, OC Spray, Tasers... All good if used in context during the right situation with the right intent.

But the most powerful thing in the equation is the Mindset of the person wielding that tool.

If you are going to use any tool, weapon, you have to be ready and able to use it AND it must be immediately accessible in your time of need, otherwise it is useless to you!

This rule applies to ANY weapon! It doesn't matter if its a pistol, pepper spray or an atomic flame thrower!

Ambushes & Bamboozlement!

If you find yourself being caught off guard, ambushed or all around 'bamboozled', even your skill, accessible weapon and enthusiasm to use it will be greatly diminished. Maybe so much so to turn the scales of the situation from bad to worse.

Mindset & Awareness

Having the right mindset and situational awareness is important regardless of having a weapon or not!

Even with my lack of weaponry during my jog, I held the right mindset and awareness that gave me an advantage even in the compromising situation.

Having no distractions like headphones or extreme exhaustion, I was able to see and assess each of the individuals and situations before they occurred and as they changed.

Having the right Mindset gave me the the ability to establish a Plan A, B, C, D, etc. That can make all the difference in your presence and if push comes to shove, your survival. It's all a part of helping you be a tougher target. Even when the situation makes you vulnerable.

Environmental Considerations...

As I told you before, I've been running that route for decades. I grew up there. Rarely would I have any problems... And none like the ones I experienced last week, not that those were that terrible.
Could I choose to run in more populated urban areas?!
Yes, however..
I CHOOSE to run alone on the trails. It's a calculated risk, like traveling, going to concerts and eating bacon! (mmmm bacon!)
It isn't a high crime area... but it is secluded which can sometimes attract certain types of activities.
If things like this continue to occur I may have a change of heart regarding my beloved route.


Conflict & violence can happen anywhere, so be ready regardless of time or place... you may or may not have access to a tool...



Be aware, but not overly paranoid (that's no way to live).

Years ago at a seminar a buddy of mine, Buddha, called it Aware-a-noid!

...It stuck!

Calculated Risk...

Your Life is a calculated risk... CHOOSE WISELY!

As for me...

I bought some pepper spray and I'm keep my options open on running routes!

Hear More Stories...

If you want to hear some more stories from U.S. & Israeli Military Vets and Security Experts regarding building a Protector's Lifestyle, check out the Protector Summit!

Click this link for full details and to Register to Save Your Spot Today!

Talk to you soon!

Keep Going,


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