Bjj Would've Been Suicide!

For decades I've been running the same trails by the Krav Academy w/relatively no incidents, so I figured yesterday would be like every other day...

Not quite...

About two and a half miles in to my run...

I Noticed 4 Guys Walking...

They were young, I'd say high school...

I could tell the leader, he was the one out in front of the other two smoking a cigarette.

Big kid, a bit taller than me and filling his white t-shirt w/an athletic build. The guys that trailed slightly behind him were a little smaller than me and looked subordinate to the guy leading the pack.

In all the years I've been running that trail, I rarely run into anyone let alone trouble...

Once in a while I'll see a vagrant, fisherman or fellow runner, but typically my biggest worry is dogs. (Last year I was bit by someones little yapper... but that's another story for another day...).

So, as I got closer, I do what I always do; give'em a wide berth, try not to look exhausted, look at them in the eye and say, "How's it going Gentlemen?"

At First There Was No Problem...

A couple of the guys shyly said "hi"...

But, as I pass White Shirt, he lets out a plume of smoke, sneers and with a mean spirited laugh says,

"Want a cigarette?"

Had I been quicker on my feet, I might have had a witty, but disarming comeback, but I didn't, so I just kept running.

I didn't get but a few yards from them when the smack talk & threats come...

"F*ck you!"

F*cking a**hole!

"We're going to F*cking kick your a**."

"F*cking pussy!"

Tired, 1/2 Mile from Any Help & 4 on 1...

Now, I've had my fair share of run ins, so I had a good idea this was just a bunch of adolescent monkey dancing, but...

There were four of them...

They were young...

And Big...

I was tired...

And a half mile from the main road...

I didn't have my gun...

And I didn't want trouble...

The Adrenaline Kicked In...

When I jog, I pay attention, no earbuds...

Anytime I see or hear someone when I'm out running, I'm alert...

But as soon as I came on these guys and saw White Shirt my adrenal glands gave me an 'extra boost'.

My mind went to a few scenarios of 'what to do'...

Plan 'A'...
Plan 'B'...
Plan 'C'...

Could I make it to safety?

...Unlikely, if they decided to run after me. They were younger, the big one was most likely stronger... regardless they were fresh and less than half my age... And I was tired!

Taking on four guys is a recipe for ER or worse...

This is not a time to grapple with them figuratively or literally...

If they stopped me and deescalation didn't work what options did I have?!

My gun!?

Nope, I wasn't carrying...


Improvised weapons?!

Yes, I had my knife on me, but really didn't want to have to use it...

However, I know how the mob mentality could go from bullying, to assault, to worse pretty easily.

Things could get UGLY!

I wasn't looking to see how any of that would go, but I knew...

This Could Go South Fast...

WTH ~ Feels like I'm in 8th grade again facing a group of high school bullies...

But I'm 49 years old and this isn't grade school!

Luckily (and pretty predictably), I kept running, they kept yelling, the space between us got wider and nothing more came of it.

I was ready because you never know what could happen...

I was grateful for my training, because it gave me options, clarity & confidence...

But also the dose of level headed-ness that is necessary to keep yourself out of trouble...

And maybe even a snowball's chance in h*ll of surviving the violence that sometimes become unavoidable...

When Nice Isn't Enough...

Many people believe that being nice and respectful is enough to get you out of any situation...

They'd be WRONG!

Yes, its a good place to start, but you need more!

You need to be able to take care of yourself in situations like these (and others), when it comes to dealing with the spectrum of human conflict!

I Call It Being a PeaceWalker...

PeaceWalkers are everyday people who train to protect the Life of self & others. We belong to a unique fellowship of individuals who have the clarity, courage & skill to effectively deal with the wide spectrum of human conflict. We are motivated by Life & Love more so than fear & hate. PeaceWalkers lead from the front and dedicate ourselves to personal growth and constant training in pursuit of being a protector. We are capable of great empathy, diplomacy and as a last resort, violence for the purpose of protecting the Value of Life. We have the resolve and ability to do most good, least harm for all as we embrace our will to Live, Protect & Inspire.

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Have a great day!

Keep Going,


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