9/11 Twenty Years Later...

Today I am in a bit of a reflective mood about the shock and tragedy that happened 20 years ago.

It could just as well have been yesterday for me... It's still that clear in my memory...

Where I was... What I was doing... How I was feeling... The phone calls... Watching events unfold...

I was one of the billions of people who weren't actually there...

But I have friends who were...

Police, firefighters, friends.

Not everyone made it...

But, we all remember...

I remember...

That also reminds me of Israel and what an Israeli friend of mine said about the attitude of many in his culture...

I Wish I Was There?!? WHAT?!

When a terrorist attack occurs many people think "I'm so lucky I wasn't there."

And don't get me wrong I would say that would be a pretty rational and intuitive thing to think...


Some of my friends and colleagues from Israel have a different perspective...

When something happens, when a tragedy occurs these people think...

If only I were there I could have helped in some way!

The cop may think...

If only I were there l could have helped and maybe I could have stopped the terrorist...

The firefighter may think...

If only I were there I could have helped and maybe I could have rescued more people...

The medic may think...

If only I were there I could have helped, maybe I could have helped save more people...

The citizen may think...

If only I were there I could have done SOMETHING, ANYTHING to help, maybe I could have made a difference...

Lifestyle vs a Technique

This is why we train.

This is why we teach and share.

This is why I created the this PeaceWalker Community & Resource...

To help people recognize the importance of... and develop the skills to Build a Protectors LIFESTYLE!

Yes, learn good techniques... But, more importantly, develop a BETTER Lifestyle...

A Protector's Lifestyle

All cliché's and BS aside...

I want more people to become PeaceWalkers.

To walk in peace. To know how to handle conflict w/o creating more of it.

To be clear about what they are protecting and to do most good / least harm.


In order to do that you have to surround yourself by healthy people who are on the same path.

You have to train in the right way.

STOP just thinking so much about technique and start thinking about HOW YOU LIVE!

You have to LIVE the right way!

Develop a Lifestyle of a Protector!

Why Do You Train?!

Train so that You are part of the solution, not the problem!

If you train to defend yourself, you're thinking Too Small!

If you train to defend your family, as noble as that may be, you're still thinking Too Small!

Train so you can be clear, train so you CAN Protect yourself, your family, your friends, your colleagues and yes, train so you can protect that person you don't even know...

Imagine this...

How would you feel if your son, daughter, husband, wife, mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa were in dire need of help, but YOU weren't there to help... However someone you didn't even know took the time, effort and risk to help them... maybe even SAVE them...

How would you feel?

How grateful would you be?

You have the opportunity to Be that person...

The person who Trains so that as Iwo Jima Marine, Dr. Robert Humphrey says...

"...Everyone Is a Little Bit Safer Because You Are There!"

Train that you are so Clear about what you are really protecting, if you don't have the direct skills, you will figure out the details.

Train so you won't compromise your ethic.

Do not train to just learn techniques...

It's so much more than that!



Keep going,

To join me on my path of being a Protector, a PeaceWalker go to https://sixdaydefense.com/


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