Pastor Tackles Gunman Saving Church Goers!


Yesterday, Sara, one of our PeaceWalker Community Members forwarded me this UNBELIEVABLE Story!

Well, to be honest, it wasn't that unbelievable to me and shouldn't be to you either, but more on that in a second...

Here's the scoop:

Sunday, Nov. 7th a Nashville pastor tackled and disarmed man who was waving a gun at worshippers during a Sunday morning church service.

The heroic actions of this pastor saved his church from further violence. miraculously no one was injured during this incident!

Here's Why This Wasn't So Unbelievable... 

So why do you think I would say that this story ISN'T so unbelievable?!

You should already know what I'm going to say...

This news story simply confirms something that we already know...

We are ALL Protectors!

This man is a true hero, he stepped up to the plate during an extreme situation.
He did what many are afraid to do. 

I don't know, but my guess is that he didn't have any experience or training in this. I could be wrong... 

It just goes to show that you don't have to be Rambo or a world champion fighter to be a protector!  

You do however, have to be clear &  have the courage to act (approaperately)! 

That pastor certainly did! 

Would you?!


Here's where training really comes in...

Although our identities as protectors are innate, they are not always clear. We do have skills to deal with most types of situations to some capacity, however they can be polished and refined. 


We train to constantly clarify that we protect the right things during conflict. 

We train to develop our skills to better deal with situations.

We train so that the clarity and skills will stay top of mind and help us to be more courageous when it is most necessary! 

We train so we have a Better Life!

(PeaceWalker) Training helps you and I to betters our odd of dealing violence, conflict and (especially) every day life! 

So, if you'd like to join me and countless other PeaceWalkers to learn to sustain that clarity and those skills to Lead, Protect & Inspire, than get on the waiting list so you can join when it opens back up.

It's a better life!

Keep going,


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