The flight of the Forgotten Flight


Flight 93 Memorial 

I know 9/11 has passed, however I wanted to share one more story...
Flight 93 was the last plane to be hijacked, and some passengers on the plane were able to use cell phones to contact their loved ones.
(Remember this was 7 years before the iPhone 1, not everyone had a phone back then.)
They made the decision that if they were going down, they were going down fighting.
And they did.
The plane crashed in an empty field in Pennsylvania, rather than hit its intended target.
Because the passengers got wind of what was happening and fought back.  
Even when they knew they would have to pay the ultimate price.
These people were truly heroes
That dedication also reminds me that no matter how hopeless the situation seems, you too can still step up to the plate… 
Even when the chips are down…
And as we know, they really were on that fateful flight.
Right Now...

I know you’re fighting for something too... We all are.
It could be fighting for your family, for your health, your business or job, Maybe it's your own inner battles that we all struggle with.
Right now, as always, a lot of people continue to fighting for many things on a larger scale as well.  
They are fighting against the injustices they see in the world… 
This takes many forms.
Remember, as you wage your own war, be it personal or otherwise, don't forget the bigger picture. Don’t forget to look past yourself and remember all those who came  before us with their own challenges, battles and wars, many of which were much greater than the ones we ourselves face today.
I don’t say this to tell you to ‘suck it up’ or to quit feeling sorry for yourself.
Just the opposite actually…
I say this to let you know that you are not alone. We are all in this together.
I know the dark is not through, but where ever you’re at with things in your Life, have hope, keep going, don’t give up…
Know you’re not alone in your fight… Even when it may feel as if so.
Don't hesitate to reach out, to connect to another human. Someone. Give me a shout if you need someone to listen, bitch or talk.
If not me or someone in this community, than some one else who you know and who will listen.
We all are fighting to protect something...
We just have to make sure it's the right things.
This is a way we can all honor those who perished on that clandestine flight over 20 years ago…

Keep going,

*If you'd like to begin your journey to become a better Protector, get my free home study course:


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