Calvin Saves the Universe



Here’s a little story of how I’m feeling right now, Calvin & Hobbes Style…

Calvin furiously scribbled at his homework, papers flying everywhere. Hobbes lounged nearby, flicking his tail lazily, while nibbling on a can of tuna.

"Why did you wait until the last minute to do your homework?" Hobbes asked.

Calvin groaned, "I had important things to do! Like saving the universe!"

Hobbes smirked, "And playing Spaceman Spiff isn't time-consuming at all."

Suddenly, Calvin's mom's footsteps echoed down the hall. Panic set in.

"Quick, Hobbes! Distract her!"

Hobbes leaped into action, rolling into the hallway and pretending to wrestle with an invisible foe.

“You have that homework done yet?” Calvin’s mom yelled down the hall. She lightly stepped over the stuffed tiger as it skidded past her. Peeked in his room, she shakes her head, smiles, and tells Calvin that dinner’s ready.

"Saved by the tiger again," Calvin grinned, as he closes his homework and gets up to go to dinner.

“I hope she made some tuna sandwiches.” Hobbes says smacking his lips hopefully.

“Sandwiches always taste better when your mom makes them!”

Have a great weekend and…

Keep Going,



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