Here’s What Shopping Has to Do w/Self Defense


Gotta Go Shopping

This year’s training retreat has two levels… Level two folks are coming out for about a day longer than the level one students.

The person who’s in charge of food is coming out with the level I people, which means I had to get a day’s worth of grub for the 8 people in level two.

When you are planning on food for 13 people over a 5 day period, you have to have a plan. If you don’t, at the very least, you’ll find yourself over budget…

Heck, even if you do plan, you may find yourself over budget, as in this case…

Regardless, it pays to plan and it costs if you don’t!

Shopping for Answers

Protecting yourself is no different.

It’s better to have a plan BEFORE you find yourself in a sticky situation.

Just like eating… It’s best to have your shopping done and your meal prepared BEFORE you’re sitting down to eat.

And even if you have planned and prepared to the best of your ability, things can still happen that throw the game off or threaten to derail things all together.

It’s no different when you you are called to protect and defend yourself (or someone else).

And remember, protecting yourself in real time, isn’t what most people train for…

You have to be multi-faceted, because conflict is! Conflict is social, emotional, psychological, verbal, physical.

Your training has to reflect that as well.

It’s about your mindset, your ethics, your awareness, your ability to communicate, your ability to lead and control the engagement.

Yes, it’s important to have the physical ability to protect yourself, but it’s so much more than just that.

If that was true, it would be like saying you’re good with eating dessert as the entire meal. It’s good at first, but dessert is so much better after a good healthy meal. As a matter of fact, if your entire diet is made up of sweets, you’re not going to be healthy, you’ll get sick, you could even die from malnourishment or some illness caused by lack of proper nutrition.

It’s Hard to See

Most of the times when you have to protect yourself, it isn’t just when you are mugged or caught up in a riot or terrorist event. Believe it or not, those things are actually quite rare.

However, you will frequently find yourself in situations where you have to communicate, lead and deal with sticky situations that may or may not have the likelihood to erupt into physical violence. Like having that difficult conversation with your co-worker, discipline your kids when they are acting up, or maybe someone just is threating you, and you have a chance to talk your way out of something going from bad to worse.

Most all physical violence starts verbal… and ALL of it involves ethics and emotions.

The bottom line is that…

It’s better to be prepared. Get your training BEFORE you need it… That training needs to be well rounded and available at a moments notice, which means you have to embody your tactics.

That’s why I'm writing you today. That’s why these are [Almost] daily emails, because your power comes from living a lifestyle of a Protector… Being a PeaceWalker.

If you would like to get more resources to protect yourself and live a safer, healthier, happier, more fulfilled life, then join our private community, PeaceWalker Connect. It’s a free private community that will give you access to the method and means to Live, Protect and Inspire.

Here’s the Link:

Keep Going,



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