Aim - Fire - Adjust!

Well, after a summer resurgence, it looks like fall may be on its way again. I love Autumn, but it's a short season. Before you know it, the snow comes and you find yourself in winter. Such as life. It can be difficult to take the time to be in the moment amidst all of the planning, doing and busyness. Not to mention the reminiscing distraction, fear or regret. It can be challenging keeping balanced.
Off to the Doc this morning... with the changing season, comes joint pain for me (probably a few of you out there too I'm guessing?!).

Dr. Eric does a good job putting me back together, and keeping me tuned up. He's an awesome chiropractor and does a physical therapy method called ART (Physical Release Technique) too. He works with a lot of professional athletes and although I don't give my endorsement to many chiropractors, but he's the bomb! ...And he's a great guy to boot!

Speaking of tune ups... No matter what you do in life. Whether it's a relationship, career, hobby or skill set. We all need a tune up once in a while. Just like this new endeavor of mine: the (almost) Daily emails. I have already had to adjust...

(1) Didn't really know to what extent other (marketing) activities would be affected (like my blogs and other standard marketing emails).

(2) Just realized a few days ago that I will have to bump my subscription level of my auto-responder, email service I use (icontact), due to the increase volume of emails I would be (potentially) putting out.

I'm sure there will be many other things that I will find out along the way...

Yep... Aim - Fire - Adjust

This adage holds true in conflict management as well.

In the thick of a stressful situation we often have to make quick assessments, act and adjust on the fly, so to speak.

Often times there isn't the luxury of a lot of in depth analysis and time to think.
As they say, "You have to think on your feet!"

In cases like these, it is good to have a pre-planned response...

...or at least pre-planned idea of what to do when it comes to conflict and emergencies.

Things like fire and tornado drills, first responder training, CPR and First Aid are all helpful.
Knowing what to do in an extreme situation such as an Act of Violence and Terrorism is also a circumstance where you hope that you had PREVIOUS training before you were faced with the event.

Not that you want to live your life in fear or hoping that a situation occurs, rather, being prepared if something were to happen, so you can live a healthier, happier, more prepared life.

Remember that the NEW PeaceWalker Life Membership Site will be up and running very soon!

What is it?!

'Insider Tricks' to:

~ The Most Effective Physical Defensive Tactics Out There!
~ Staying Cool Under Pressure
~ Understanding the Art of De-escalation, Negotiation & Persuasion
~ Becoming a Better Leader
~ Discovering How to Get People to Do as You Ask and...
~ Knowing What to do if They Don't Comply or become violent!

Information is updated (almost) daily with new material including:

~ MasterClass Workshops
~ Case Studies
~ Tips, Tricks & Tactics
~ Seminars
~ Webinars
~ Q & A
~ Backstage Pass (a behind the scenes look...)
~ Private Facebook Group
~ Basic Training Courses
~ Blog Posts
~ (Almost) Daily emails
~ Bonus Material
~ And More!

All the best,


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