His Voice Shook as He Told Me...

A pic of some of the violence that broke out at the fireworks display in GR MI.

For most, bringing your family to see the fireworks is a fun family event that build memories of a lifetime!

But, I got a phone call yesterday where a man here in Grand Rapids who brought his family to the fireworks display had an experience of concern, fear and near panic, when violence broke out by him and his daughter during the firework show.

He left a message telling me of his entire experience. His voice shook as he recalled the frightening situation where he feared not only for his own safety, but the safety of his daughter as well.

Yes, he is looking for answers, but more to the point, the situation scared him and realizing how vulnerable he and his daughter were, he wants to feel safe again.

And he said...

"He Wants to Feel Like He Can Protect His Own Daughter"

I hear this all the time and I totally get it!

You see, when the rubber meets the road, we need to feel like we can protect not only ourselves, but those we love, those who rely on us for security.

Unfortunately many people wait until something happens (or in this case, almost happened), to do anything about it!

I just hope that the emotion of that event will be enough to drive him to stay the course to develop the perspective and skill to be the protector he wants to become!


What's His Next Step!?

That depends!

Yes, he could come down to our Krav Academy to learn... Will he?! I don't know how much he's looking to put that much time into it... Not to sound harsh, but most aren't up for that journey...

However, it's not my place to judge. Rather, I try to provide an environment where people can grow and build a Protector's Lifestyle. The community of PeaceWalkers.

It's Goes Beyond Technique...

He may find relief from learning a technique or two, or getting a CPL.

But, that WON'T Solve his problem.

He needs a different Perspective! And an appropriate Skill Set! A clearer view of his True Identity.

I will make some suggestions for him. One of which is the FEARLESS in 5 DAY CHALLENGE where I'll share w/him the "Speed Pass" to fearing less and begin building a Protector's Lifestyle of Confidence & Clarity.

What he does with it is up to him!

Well, thanks for listening to my story...

It's a one I hear a lot!

It could be any one of our stories...

Maybe YOU have one like it... or know someone who does.

It's stories like this that reinforce to me that I'm doing the right thing with my life. It lends some perspective why I write these emails and blogs, shoot all of those videos, teach all of those classes...

And most of all why this community that YOU'RE apart of exists!

We have a mission that's bigger than all of us. 

One of being a Protector...

A PeaceWalker...

Not only do we make everyone a little safer where ever we go...

It's a better Life!

Keep Going,

Subscribe for more FREE tips, tricks & tactics of protecting yourself, your family & community! www.peacewalkersubscribe.com


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