What Now?!

Have you ever been on the other side of some BIG life changing event, accomplishment, trauma, ordeal?

Doesn't matter if it was good or bad, the emotional, fallout afterward can be challenging to deal with.

Maybe you just had the biggest sales year ever in your career... You just got back from the award ceremony... Monday rolls around and there are your NEW sales figures sitting on your desk.

Possibly you spent the last 6 1/2 years in Krav Maga, going to class 3x/per week, training on your own, going to every seminar and training on your own in pursuit for that coveted 'Black Belt.' Then
FINALLY the day comes! It's your turn! And You ROCK IT! The belt gets strapped around your waist and the BMF wallet goes in your pocket...

You wake up sore, revealed and Proud!

And you should be...

...But, now what?

There are many events in Life like this...

  • Maybe you just got out of the service or home after deployment...
  • You just retired from working 40 years at your career...
  • You just got back from your honeymoon... or the opposite, your divorce just got finalized...
  • Your last kid finally leaves the house & now it's just you & your spouse again...
  • You just got cleared of cancer...
  • You come home after the funeral of your husband/wife, mom/dad or best friend and the release of  what really happened hits you...

Then What...

There's a void there, the trough of the wave, the ebb that naturally comes after the flow of life... Especially those times that are filled w/a lot of emotion.

There is an old Zen proverb about chop wood / carry water...

Before enlightenment: Chop Wood / Carry Water... After enlightenment: Chop Wood / Carry Water...

Yes... Yet, another term for Keep Going.

You can find that the everyday things are both necessary as well as comforting if you have the right perspective.

The successful sales person goes on selling...

The protector continues to train until they are called to protect once more...

Life continues to move and if you want to find a sense of peace you have to keep moving too!

Take a minute to celebrate, mourn, reflect, relax, appreciate, recover, rest, learn, whatever you need to do...


Chop Wood / Carry Water...



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