The 'Seat Belt Theory' & Risk Aversion

Exploring Risk...

There are a lot of ties to risk and life...

Yes, when it comes to life, no one is getting out of this alive, however that leaves a lot of leeway between here and there...

When it comes to being a protector and dealing with the spectrum of human conflict it's often not a matter of good v. bad, but choosing bad over worse. 

Most people can navigate the former better than the latter. Which makes for a bigger challenge because when it comes to conflict, crisis and violence, there is rarely a perfect outcome... 

Usually more like...

Sucks or Sucks Worse!

And that's hard for folks, especially now-a-days, where we are (or were anyways) used to the idea that we have more control over things than we actually do...

No ladies and gents, things don't always look like the brochure... Sorry!

Helping People Understand...

Often times, people want easy solutions that work out perfectly. As you and I both know (w/conflict) it rarely does. So, how do you get this idea across to a person or population who doesn't seem to 'get it'?

Well, I have all these... Mmmm, What I call 'Craig-ism's'. Basically they are little sayings or stories I share regarding all of 'this stuff' regarding being a protector. 

Here's this one...

Putting on Your Seat Belt

When it comes to learning how to deal with conflict, crisis and violence, having some training is a lot like driving your car. 

Driving your car is probably the most dangerous thing most of us will do in any given day, however, most of us don't think too much about it. Often times we actually enjoy getting out and driving.

So what do we do to manage our risk when driving?

Things like:

~ Being licensed, basically learning how to drive. 
~ Following the rules of the road.
~ Keeping your car well maintained, so your tires aren't bald and your breaks 
~ Pay attention!
~ Avoid driving distracted (Drunk, texting, beating your kids in the back seat, etc)
~ And Put on Your Seat Belt! 

Yes, according to the CDC, that little nylon strap reduces your risk of death by between 45% & 75%. It also cuts the risk of serious injury by half.


Just because your wearing one doesn't guarantee that you'll be able to avoid an accident. 

It doesn't guarantee that you won't get hurt.

And it doesn't mean that you'll even survive.


The same holds true when you train to protect yourself and others!

Hopefully it helps you to avoid what you can, escape when you need and engage when you must...

Understanding how to choose the best situation, even if it boils down to picking bad over worse...

You never know if this is 'your day' or how things might 'go down', that's why you develop a lifestyle around being a protector...

That's why being a PeaceWalker is so important!

Keep Going,

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