Who's the Captain of Your Ship!?

 I was going to title this email 'Make Life Your B*tch' But I decided for the more eloquent title! 

...You're welcome! =)

As a PeaceWalker...

I am the master of my life.
I have control over the outcomes in my life. I am the captain of my ship. I limit the power of others to determine the course of my life.
Respect is something that can only be given, never demanded.
I may not always have the ability to control what happens, but...
I choose my thoughts. I have the choice to select thoughts that serve me or sabotage me. I choose thoughts that propel me into the future with certainty and confidence. By controlling my thoughts, I have control over my actions and results.
I choose what I focus on. I choose to focus on those things that help me. I choose to focus on the people that bring me happiness and fulfillment.
My focus determines what I accomplish and what is left undone. I choose the objects of my focus carefully and intelligently.

I choose my friends and the other members of my social circle. I only allow people into my life that are positive and healthy. I may sometimes have to deal with a disagreeable person, but I limit their impact on my life. 
I exercise the option of adding and removing people from my life.
I choose my career. There are many ways I could earn money, but I choose a way that I enjoy. What I do brings me self-respect.
Today, I am reminding myself of the power I possess to create the life I want. I am taking responsibility for my past, present, and future. 
I am the master of my life... The Captain of My Ship!

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. When have I failed to take control of my circumstances?
2. What can I do to exercise more responsibility over my life?
3. What do I gain by blaming others for the deficits in my life?

More Control?!

More control over Life really means having more control over yourself... And that means you have to develop the correct mindset. 
Your ability to be resilient. To improvise, adapt & overcome the conflicts in Life are largely dependent on your ability to protect yourself. 
To manage conflict! 
Remember, the real art to learning how to defend yourself is more than just learning how to punch and kick. It's learning how to clarify ethics and objectives. It's about understanding strategy and tactics. Influence and control. And yes, learning some effective techniques too!
So, if you're looking to learn the secret of what to do in the face of conflict...
How to protect yourself and loved ones from the threat of violence, then...
Don't miss your chance!
Develop a Protector's Lifestyle.
It's all in my PeaceWalker Private Membership.
You'll get all the tools you need to deal with verbal, physical and social violence. Hone your mindset to accomplish anything Life throws at you. The Ability to Be Your Own Captain. 
The first step is my Six Day Defense Course!
Not only will you get access to the powerful, yet deceptively simple course that'll cost you nothing except 10 minutes per day over six days. Then you will also get [almost] daily tips tricks and tactics on living a protectors life! 
Here’s the link:
Ok, I'm out!
Have a good one, lead from the front and...
Keep going,


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