Could It Get Any Worse?!


I'll be honest with you...

It was another slow moving morning... 

I'm not much of a morning person anyway, but the this month takes the cake! 

I can think of many 'reasons...'

It's partly due to the weather... Cold! =)

It's partly due to my calorie count... Low! (From trying to cut some of this Covid weight.)

It's partly due to all the unrest and uncertainty were still in... (Covid, economic, political, social...blah, blah, blah...).

But, rather than continuing to lay there simmering in this less than motivating mindset eating at me from the inside out...

I pulled my happy a** out of bed...

I took one small step after the other. One breath, than the next. I concentrated on the small things... Just what was in front of me. 

I threw in another podcast (Don't worry, no Joe Rogan controversy this time around!=)...  I opted for a very interesting David Blaine interview. 

Blaine is the renowned magician. Great interview! I'm about a quarter the way through it. 

I downed my supplements and morning shake, stuffed the washing machine w/my Jiu Jitsu Gi tops that needed some washin' and took off out the door to get my workout in. 

It Wasn't Glamourous...

It wasn't really even very interesting...

No reality t.v. material here....

It was pretty mundane really... 


Almost zombie like, I got to the academy, turned the heat up (51 is a little chilly even for me!), the lights on and began my daily ritual of stretching, lifting and putting in my couple mile jog. 

At first I was just going through the motions, but the momentum picked up... 

I knew not to succumb to those negative thoughts... or lack of enthusiasm.  I know that mentally grappling with it, or trying to 'figure' things out is a mistake when we're in this mental state. It's less than useless, it's hazardous. 

Luckily, I Knew Just What to Do!

Shut off my mind for a while and focus on my training. Go through my daily routine...

Don't think... Just train, breathe, stretch, work and sweat for awhile.

It took a while of determination not to get sucked back into 'figuring things out'. Every time a thought like that came up, I didn't fight it, I brought my focus back to whatever I was doing... My breath, the stretch, counting... and just let the static of my thoughts go.

Don't try to  'shut out' anything,  just shift your focus away from that thought and bring it back to whatever you are doing physically. 

Before Long...

My routine took over and my mind wasn't seized up any more. By the time I finished my workout, I was feeling pretty much myself again...

It was just what I needed to get my head squared away...

Did what's happening around me change?!


Did any of my external circumstances change?! No, but I am in a much better place to deal with things.

I re-established my baseline and gained back my motivation.  Now I feel up to tackling the challenges that are in front of me today.

I can better handle the things that I CAN control.

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way sometimes...

YOU aren't alone in this either my friend.

Keep going!

Learning how to protect yourself begins with the right MINDSET and that isn't always as sexy as people think.

It's not nearly as complicated either!

Sometimes it's just about keeping your head down and your feet moving in the right direction!

Wearing It On Your Sleeve!?

Just like a ballistic vest, having the right apparel can help you in battle...

The battle I'm talking about today is boredom, apathy, lack of motivation...

Sometimes I'll put on one of my favorite shirts to workout in to help my motivation... 

It works sometimes... 

Or at least that's what I tell myself! =)

If you haven't checked out the PeaceWalker Gear and Apparel here's the link, so you can pickup your own motivation 'battle gear' so to speak! 

Keep going,


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