Self Defense & Alfred Hitchcock?! WTH?

If you train with me you know we talk a lot about tactical space (the place of advantage) and strategy. I'm always going off on how they trump techniques. 

Well, if you want to learn more about strategy there's a good book called 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene.

It's a good book, especially for us PeaceWalkers.

The main reason it's so important is because it gives ample examples of how to start thinking more strategically instead of just thinking about techniques. 

What it teaches is the exact opposite of what all these self defense instructors preach and try to brag about on facebook, youtube and instagram.

All of those flash techniques probably look especially cool to the newbies.

But in reality it’s kind of foolish and not-very-wise, basing your ability to protect yourself on the One Technique to Rule them All!

When you think about it its like bragging about jumping out of a plane and then building the parachute on the way down.

How about simply not boarding a plane that has mechanical problems in the first place?! 

Isn't it better to fly with a pilot that’s sober and knows what he’s doing, avoid bad weather and low visibility conditions, and having a pre-packed ready-to-use parachute, with training in using it, standing by should you have to bail.

There's a lot of other things you can do BEFORE you actually need the parachute. many of which will in most cases elimiate the need for the parachute in the first place! 

You know I have flown hundreds, maybe thousands of times in my life and the only time I needed a parachute is when I intentionally went skydiving! 

In the Greene's book he uses Alfred Hitchcock use of strategy and controlling the tactical space when he made movies as an example.

“Once the screenplay was finished, Hitchcock would transform it into an elaborate shooting script. Blocking, camera positions, lighting, and set dimensions were spelled out in detailed notes. Most directors leave themselves some latitude, shooting scenes from several angles, for example, to give the film editor options to work with later on. Not Hitchcock: he essentially edited the entire film in the shooting script. He knew exactly what he wanted and wrote it down. If a producer or actor tried to add or change a scene, Hitchcock was outwardly pleasant—he could afford to pretend to listen—but inside he was totally unmoved. Nothing was left to chance. For the building of the sets (quite elaborate in a movie like Rear Window), Hitchcock would present the production designer with precise blueprints, floor plans, incredibly detailed lists of props. He supervised every aspect of set construction.”

And then it went into things like:

* How since his films were so carefully staged they did not depend on an actor’s performance which they liked since they could relax.

* He’d sit calmly on the set half asleep, no worries at all, because he knew exactly how it’d go. (in one of his bios it said he’d literally fall asleep and then ask, “was it a good take?”)

* He taught himself every aspect of film production so he always knew who should be doing what, how, and when — and so tightly edited his scenes that any idiot producer trying to meddle by giving their “ideas” could not change anything without screwing the whole movie up, which would be too expensive at that stage of production.

In other words:

No chaos. 

Less Conflict because Hitchcock controlled the tactical space leaving almost no chance for someone to mess things up.

So, nearly 100% chance everything went according to plan.

Literally the opposite of the super guy pounding his chest on youtube about jumping out of a crashing plane, with a drunk pilot, during a hurricane, and building his parachute on the way down to a sea full of shark infested waters...

Or the BJJ Bros, or the ex-navy SEAL wannabe who's selling the 10001 ways to kill your opponent in 2 seconds or less. 

Maybe I’m just getting old.

But that doesn’t appeal to me at all.

I prefer the Hitchcock way of self defense and being a Protector.

And, thus, the entire PeaceWalker Approach was born... 

— It's about my own “if shyt hits the fan” this is how I prepare myself for it BEFORE it happens approach!

—It's  far more Hitchcock than it is adrenaline junkie who wants to merely out thug the thug, be at risk of some major injuries and rely on 9th inning grand slam home runs instead of consistent base hits, stolen bases, and RBI’s.

The only ones left standing in this 'business,' typically are the ones who go more Hitchcock nowadays…

The issue is most folks don't really know HOW to go Hitchcock. This isn't something readily taught in martial arts schools, self defense courses or on the range. 

Most everyone is simply doing techniques, few tactics and almost no strategy.

When it comes to self protection most methods are:

All physical, little verbal and no real influence.

All I care about is what works.

Thus, this is probably one of the most important programs I’ve created in years.

It's especially important for those concerned about what's going on in the world today.

Not only is it a personal protection framework you can follow — and use, it's a Personal Development Transformation. 

I can’t stop you from continuing to beat your head against the wall in a typical self defense class or at the range...

But if you're really looking to connect with your true identity, build the confidence that you can handle yourself during these uncertain times, if you want to live a more powerful life, than you may want to check out my free home study course here:

Don't wait...

Keep going,


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