How I Beat the FBI Pistol Qualification Course

 Me doing some shooting at Caliber 3 Counter Terrorism & Security Academy in Israel

Oh, where to start!?

As I was telling you several weeks ago, I decided to reinstate my concealed pistol license. Being that I advocate responsible gun ownership and usage, I wanted to make sure I also dialed in my shooting skills. Being that I haven't shot that often in more than a few years I decided to return to the basics (again) and review things from the ground up so to speak. 

I had many gracious offers from you PeaceWalker Community members to help me get back where I needed to be (and beyond...).

One of the offers came from a (semi) local shooting instructor, Skip Coryell. Skip is a former Marine, a USCCA firearms instructor and the co-host on nationally syndicated Frontlines of Freedom Military Talk Radio Show. He is also one of the featured instructors on our PeaceWalker Private Membership - Tactical Firearms Defense Module. 

The past few weeks, I've taken two of his advanced pistol courses. Tomorrow, I'll be back on the range with him doing part one of his third course.

Skip's does a great job making solid skills accessible to a wide variety of shooters. His classes are small with a lot of personal attention. If you are local to West Michigan I recommend you check him out. Just google Skip Coryell West Michigan Tactical Training.

The FBI Pistol Proficiency Exam

So, on the last course that I took w/Skip, the final exam was taking the FBI qualification course. 

This exam consists of the same pistol shooting requirements that an FBI cadet needs to pass to become a field agent. 

If you're wondering what those requirements are, here you go:


Distance: 3 yards
Rounds Needed: 6


Draw & fire 3 shots strong-hand only in 3 seconds
Repeat: Draw & fire 3 shots strong-hand only in 3 seconds
Total Stage Time Limit: 6 Seconds

Distance: 3 yards
Rounds Needed: 6


Draw & Fire 3 shots strong-hand only
Transition to support-hand only & fire 3 shots
Total Stage Time Limit: 8 Seconds

Distance: 5 yards
Rounds Needed: 12


Draw & fire 3 shots using both hands in 3 seconds
Repeat 3 more times (4 Times Total)
Total Stage Time Limit: 12 Seconds

Distance: 7 Yards
Rounds Needed: 8


Draw & fire 4 shots using both hands in 4 seconds
Repeat: Draw & fire 4 shots using both hands in 4 seconds
Total Stage Time Limit: 8 Seconds

Distance: 7 Yards
Rounds Needed: 8


Draw & Fire 4 Shots Using Both Hands
Perform Emergency Reload (Mag Falls to Ground)
Fire 4 More Shots Using Both Hands
Total Stage Time Limit: 8 Seconds

Distance: 15 Yards
Rounds Needed: 6


Draw & Fire 3 Shots Using Both Hands;
Repeat: Draw & Fire 3 Shots Using Both Hands
Total Stage Time Limit: 12 Seconds

Distance: 15 Yards
Rounds Needed: 4


Draw & Fire 4 Shots Using Both Hands
Total Stage Time Limit: 8 Seconds

Distance: 25 Yards
Rounds Needed: 10


Step Forward to 25 Yard Line
Draw & Fire 2 Shots Standing Behind Cover Using Both Hands;
Transition to Kneeling Behind Cover and Using Both Hands Fire 3 More Rounds

Repeat Stage for 2 Total Times

Total Stage Time Limit: 15 Seconds for 5 Shots (x2)

You have to get 80% to pass and 90% for instructor.

I know, I know. Some of you advanced shooters out there who sleep with your guns and poop out lead are saying...

'That course is nothin'! '

I get it... There are many other tests of skill that could (and possibly should) be administered and trained as a better rubric...


Skips logic goes like this (a bit paraphrased by yours truly)...

"I like the idea of being able to say I passed the qualification drill our own government uses should I need to defend myself civilly after successfully defending myself physically.

I recommend that church security teams make their team members qualify to, at a minimum, having the same basic pistol proficiency qualifications as the FBI. That is an easier training requirement to defend, if they are ever called into question as to their qualifications to carry that weapon in a security capacity.

Basically, if it's good enough for the FBI, it should be good enough for church security or civilian... at a minimum at least.


Yes, I agree, this, by far, isn't the end all, be all of training requirement, but it's a start for most people looking to carry. 

I would add...

Lethal force should always be the last option in the line of defense. Trying to do most good / least harm is the goal, last of which is determining to take a life to protect another. This is not to be taken lightly.

The Burning Question...

I know you're wondering...

How Did You Do Craig!?


I got 88% to 92% deepening on who you ask. =)

If you talk to Skip (the instructor), he says 92%... If you ask my buddy who went with me... He'll tell you 88%...

Either way I more than qualified for field agent and in my, (and Skip's) humble, yet accurate opinion(s), instructor.  =)

Why the discrepancy?! 

You were either on target or you weren't. That shouldn't be too hard to determine.

Well, that my friend is a funny story that when we have the chance, you'll have to buy me a beer and I'll tell you! 

Regardless, a story for another time! =)

I'm good either way... I plan on improving my game regardless!

Don't skip Skip!

If you want to gain access to Skip and the other instructors on the PeaceWalker Defensive Shooting Module than you'll have to get on the Private Membership!

If you're not a member yet, your chance is coming soon!

I'll be opening the membership up again to new folks in a couple short weeks!

It's only going to open for a limited amount of time, so if you want in, get on the wait list here:

Ok, have a great day and...

Keep going,


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