Jack Hoban on Frontlines of Freedom Talk Radio

The last time that I was in the studio with Lt. Col. Denny Gillem recording my episode on Frontlines of Freedom (http://www.frontlinesoffreedom.com/) he was trying to get an interview with someone who was training the military in hand to hand combatives. Overhearding his conversation I thought, "hey, I have just the guy for him...Jack Hoban!" So I talked to Denny and made the introduction; a couple of weeks later they did the interview!
Jack does a great job talking about his perspectives regarding Warrior Ethics, Universal Values and the idea of training Ethics-Tactics & then Techniques. Jack explains that by keeping the ethic first the appropriate tactics and techniques should follow and support those universal human values. Now stop reading my yaking and check out Jack's interview yourself: http://www.frontlinesoffreedom.com/podcasts.html it's the March 11th episode, first one.

I was just out in Jersey training with him and his crew earlier this month. I always appreciate his perspective and the training. I always walk away with more than what I came in with.
As always thanks a million Jack!


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